Hello and Welcome to my Blog!

This is where you can find out a little more about me and what I can do for you!

I am a Web Developer, and I have already developed three web sites and working on two others. If you need a web site, contact me today!

I am also a Personal Trainer who knows what losing weight and sticking to it really means. I have helped myself do exactly that and have lost over 40 pounds.

I am with Toastmasters International, in District 33 and District 52.

In District 33, I am in three clubs. Simi Valley Toastmasters, club #3533, The Supper Club, #6089 and Au Jus, #879.

Check us out at: http://www.toastmasters.og

#879 is an advanced club which can help everyone develop their skills even further than where they are at currently.

In District 52, my husband and I are with Northridge Toastmasters and that club meets twice a month at a restaurant.

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About Me

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Ventura, CA, United States
Web Developer that has developed three web sites already and working on a fourth one as we speak. Certified Personal Trainer with extensive experience in exercise, losing the weight, and getting into shape. Obtaining donations for nonprofit organizations such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Diabetes Association has been a big plus for Linda.

A Strong Core 4 U

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    Friday, June 4, 2010

    Yoga: A great form of exercise and relaxation

    Yoga Body Bliss

    A new study published by the University of California at Berkeley shows that women who practice yoga have better body images and less disordered eating patterns than women who take part in traditional aerobic exercises. Study participants filled out surveys about the type of exercise they performed, how often, and their feelings about their bodies.

    Action Sparked: This particular study didn't put women into different exercise groups, so researchers can't be sure whether women who already felt good about their bodies tended to steer towards yoga, or if the yoga itself helped improve body image. However, yoga, a mind-body exercise, allows practitioners to tune into their bodies, emphasizing their strengths and abilities, not their size or appearance.

    This focused practice is also a great stress-reliever. Yoga could help many individuals (not exclusively women) focus on the positives of their bodies, thus improving how you feel about your body, while helping improve flexibility, strength, and mental focus in the process.

    Exercise Extra: Yoga is a great addition to a well-rounded fitness program. Yoga can help increase flexibility, reduce stress, and build endurance.

    Join my website today for daily motivation and lots of fun exercises to do.

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