Hello and Welcome to my Blog!

This is where you can find out a little more about me and what I can do for you!

I am a Web Developer, and I have already developed three web sites and working on two others. If you need a web site, contact me today!

I am also a Personal Trainer who knows what losing weight and sticking to it really means. I have helped myself do exactly that and have lost over 40 pounds.

I am with Toastmasters International, in District 33 and District 52.

In District 33, I am in three clubs. Simi Valley Toastmasters, club #3533, The Supper Club, #6089 and Au Jus, #879.

Check us out at: http://www.toastmasters.og

#879 is an advanced club which can help everyone develop their skills even further than where they are at currently.

In District 52, my husband and I are with Northridge Toastmasters and that club meets twice a month at a restaurant.

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About Me

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Ventura, CA, United States
Web Developer that has developed three web sites already and working on a fourth one as we speak. Certified Personal Trainer with extensive experience in exercise, losing the weight, and getting into shape. Obtaining donations for nonprofit organizations such as the Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Diabetes Association has been a big plus for Linda.

A Strong Core 4 U

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    Plaxo Badge

    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    It is never to late!

    Parting with unforgiving ways

    Consider the things in your life that you feel are irreversible or too embarrassing to touch upon. The path of least resistance is often the wrong choice, especially when admitting to someone else that you were wrong. Is there anyone in your life that you need to apologize to? Clearing up disagreements--no matter how far removed--frees both parties to move forward in a more healthy way. Not to mention it improves relationships of all kinds. Pride isn't something that is easy to part with, but being unforgiving can eat away at a friendship or marriage. Good relationships have boundless benefits, so work to make them the best they can be!

    It's never too late--in fiction or in life--to revise
    - Nancy Thayer, author

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